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Web Hosting

Choosing a web host is like choosing a service provider in any other industry--if you understand what you need and what is being offered, your decision will be much easier to make.

Dedicated Web Hosting Vs. Shared Web Hosting
If you have an extremely large site with intensive scripts, you are likely going to need a dedicated server. With a dedicated server, you have control over every aspect of your data server, from the operating system it uses to the administrative procedures it is subjected to. Smaller sites can be hosted on shared servers. Sites on shared servers share common resources (like the operating system), but are in all other ways completely separate from one another. Shared servers are the most cost effective and the most common web hosting solution available.

Every time a site is accessed on the web hosting server by a user on the Internet, bandwidth is used. Web hosting providers set limits on the amount of bandwidth each of their customers can use each month. For higher fees, that bandwidth limit can be increased. Small sites with few (if any) interactive features need only a gigabyte or two of bandwidth each month. Larger sites where visitors can download images and other files will need 20 to 30GB. Extremely large sites (sites with huge files available for download and seemingly limitless traffic each month) will need hundreds of gigabytes of bandwidth. Sites that require over 30GB of bandwidth work best on dedicated servers.

Disk Storage
The size of your site and the amount of data you need accessible through the web will determine how much disk space you need. Even the simplest site will need at least 20MB of storage. Larger sites may need 1000MB or more. If you host forums on your site, you will need to have ample space available for expansion of your database.

Other Features of Web Hosting Providers
Bandwidth and disk space are only the beginning when it comes to the factors that may play a role in determining which host offers services are right for you. E-commerce solutions and security features may be critical to the success of your website if you are running an online business. Control panel options that allow you to control and manipulate your host package settings may be important (especially if you have no experience with computer programming). To host forums you will need a web host with database services such as MySQL or MSSQL available. And do not forget about email. Make sure your web host provides enough email accounts to meet your business's needs.

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