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AdSense For Domains Now Available For All US Publishers

Any US publisher with a domain name he or she isn’t using (yet) can now squeeze a couple of extra dollars out of it by using Google AdSense For Domains, another way for the search giant to make more money from online real estate and give some of it back to people with parked domains. The company is opening up to ‘English-language AdSense publishers located in North America’ in phases, but says it will soon expand to other regions and languages as well.

If I remember correctly, Google AdSense for Domains has been around for many years under the name ‘Domain Park’, but the program was previously reserved exclusively for owners of domain names wielding in a lot of traffic (1M+ monthly pageviews), up until yesterday. GAFD received a lot of criticism for returning advertisers poor quality traffic in the past, and yesterday’s launch won’t exactly reduce that criticism. You don’t have to be a genius to know this will attract more domain squatters to expand their questionable business. Here’s a step by step guide for advertisers who want to block domain parked sites on Google AdWords.

If anything, this shows Google is scrambling for every penny it can get its hands on these days even if it means lowering their quality standards, but I have to add that I can’t exactly blame them for it either.

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